Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Basset Walk at Tomato Lake

the basset walk in january 2008 was cancelled due to lack of attendance and a possibility of 35-36 degree heat. basses dont do so good in hot weather, they would rather be inside the house in air conditioned comfort. :)

so to make up for the hot weather, another walk as arranged for 3rd of Feb at Tomato Lake in Rivervale / Belmont. Here are some of the pictures from that day...
An adorable Jenny 2 chilling and relaxing (Boo's sister - can you tell?)

This is George or otherwise known as "Sirius Black". Dont you just love the black blanket coat?
This is Boo's brother, i just love his face and look, he looks way older / droopier then Boo.

Some very relaxed bassets

hows the view up there?
honey bee and inspector moss.

more of "Sirius Black"

2 beautiful red and white girls

Tomato Lake
Next Basset walk on the 1st Sunday of May 2008 at Tomato Lake again, starts 10am / 10:30am to 12:00pm.
This is not confirmed, but watch this space for more information closer to the date.

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