Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Basset Walk at Tomato Lake

the basset walk in january 2008 was cancelled due to lack of attendance and a possibility of 35-36 degree heat. basses dont do so good in hot weather, they would rather be inside the house in air conditioned comfort. :)

so to make up for the hot weather, another walk as arranged for 3rd of Feb at Tomato Lake in Rivervale / Belmont. Here are some of the pictures from that day...
An adorable Jenny 2 chilling and relaxing (Boo's sister - can you tell?)

This is George or otherwise known as "Sirius Black". Dont you just love the black blanket coat?
This is Boo's brother, i just love his face and look, he looks way older / droopier then Boo.

Some very relaxed bassets

hows the view up there?
honey bee and inspector moss.

more of "Sirius Black"

2 beautiful red and white girls

Tomato Lake
Next Basset walk on the 1st Sunday of May 2008 at Tomato Lake again, starts 10am / 10:30am to 12:00pm.
This is not confirmed, but watch this space for more information closer to the date.

Mommy and Daddy come home...

bella checking out the scenary on the way home
So we finally came home from our amazing holiday in bali/malang/jakarta and we were soooo excited to come back and pick up our monsters ...sorry... beautiful babies from the dog kennels.

It was great to see them again and i think they did miss us, because we got lots of cuddles and sloppy kisses.

But when we finally got them home, i think they had a bit of a shock, the were walking around the backyard, looking for other bassets to play with. They did not look too happy being home again, i think the dog kennel with 8 bassets and god knows how many cats seem a lot more attractive to them.